The solder that held it on had given way and it was conspicuous by its absence. And then, as if to indelibly impress on each of us just how power packed this revolver was the owner took a shot and there was not only the bang of the gun going off but a clang on the roof of the shed. A few of us got to have a shot and yes it certainly booted rather harder than the. Being night time there was a spectacular muzzle flash as well so it really was a fireworks show. To my young ears unaccustomed as they were to things that make very loud bangs it sounded and felt like the iron shed jumped three inches off its foundations and dropped back down. The first thing that hit me was the noise it made.
The Ruger was duly loaded up and he took the classic pistol club one handed offhand stance and squeezed the trigger. So a few of us ventured out to the firing point, which was covered so it was like a tin shed with one side open so you could shoot at the targets.
It was the night after a shoot and one of the guys had purchased a Ruger Blackhawk in. At the time I was completely new to the shooting sports and had joined a pistol club down in outback Australia. I remember the first time I saw someone shoot a.